609 North Hughes Blvd. Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-242-1900

Customer Testimonials for Complete Auto Credit

Testimonial Photo

Complete Auto Credit - 2000 Quality Vehicle

At Complete Auto Credit we are proud of the quality used cars we sell and our dedication to serve the needs of our customers. This is reflected in the amount of repeat business we receive. Whether this is your first purchase with us or one of many that you’ve had, you can count on our dedicated sales staff to make it the best buying experience possible.

Complete Auto Credit Complete Auto Credit
252-242-1900 $$$
Nov 15, 2023
Miss Julie is the friendliest sales person I’ve ever dealt with. Everyone is friendly and helpful. Will deal with again.
Complete Auto Credit Complete Auto Credit
252-242-1900 $$$
Sep 28, 2023
Complete Auto Credit, specifically Michelle Allen, you have made me the happiest young woman alive today. They worked with me, helped me understand the process, got me my loan, and made good sure I walked out with the car of my dreams. She drives like a dream! Michelle was patient, very knowledgeable, and compassionate to me and my family and for that I am a customer for LIFE.
Complete Auto Credit Complete Auto Credit
252-242-1900 $$$
2 Testimonials
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i. Are abusive. An abusive review or comment is one that makes personal attacks, threatens, or harasses others, or uses profanity.
ii. Violate privacy. Reviews that mention specific names of individuals or personal information in a manner that is inappropriate and/or unrelated to the performance of the service rendered are subject to removal.
iii. Are not from a current customer.
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